Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Question of God: Part Three

You guys are doing well. Good thoughts. Remember to explain thoroughly. And be on time!!

Directions: Answer one or more of the questions below thoroughly and intelligently. Be thorough. Give examples. If you have an opinion, please share it; however, make sure you explain why that is your opinion. Do not repeat what someone else has already said unless you are expounding on their point.

1. Rationalism says that everything can be explained by natural causes--spiritual, supernatural, philosophic, etc. Is there anything of which you can think that is not explainable by natural cause? How do rationalists explain love, nervousness, demonic activity, the will to live, etc.? (Site examples of naturalist explanations.)

2. Do you think the Ten Commandments could have been made up by people? Go through them in your mind and determine if they are human or supernatural in origin. If you think that they must have been made by God, explain your answer. If you think it is possible for them to have been made by people, explain why this is. What are the ten most important laws you can come up with and why?

3. Think about the blind men and the elephant illustration. Three men come to different conclusions based on their own limited viewpoint. Now think about the woman from the video who talked about viewing Truth as though we are all viewing the same world through different "windows" (such as science, music, art, religion, etc.). What do you think is the best way to find Truth? How many windows do we have to look through before we see enough of Truth to grasp it? (Remember Grace's illustration that if one of the men had seen an elephant before going blind, he would have more information and therefore more responsibility to share this information with the other men in order for them to come to a good conclusion.) Why is Truth so hard for us to determine?

4. So . . . Predestination or Freewill. Which one is more important? Are they working together? Explain your answer.

5. Explain the differences of thought in Asian and Western thinking. Explain a basic time-line for the way thought has changed in both areas of the world. What same directions have they both taken? What different directions? Does this reveal anything about Truth?

6. The ancient Romans and Greeks came up with a mathematical scientific process for determining beauty or perfection. This is demonstrated with something called "The Golden Rectangle" or "The Golden Ratio." They found this measurement by measuring the dimensions of things that the majority of society agreed was "beautiful." Based on this information, when you see something beautiful, are you being purposely rational? Are you being subconsciously rational (in other words, did you realize your rationality AFTER you thought about your experience, but not at the time)? Are you not being rational at all? If not, what part of your psyche realized "beauty"?


  1. WoW 0 comments... WoW
    Don't worry :P
    I will change 0 comments into 1 comment ^^v

  2. #2. There is no way human beings could have come up with the 10 C's. A Higher Being (God) had to have come up with those laws. Humans as a society can't keep the laws they create. And some of their laws are much different than the 10 C's.

    The laws that humans come up with deal mostly with interpersonal relationships (don't kill; don't steal). Even those that seem like they are not dealing with interpersonal relationships have connections to them (don't speed --> you might kill someone). As humans we need these laws and many others so that our society can run smoothly and so that people can go about their lives as calmly as they can.

    Looking at the 10 C's we see similar laws to the ones stated above (don't kill; don't steal). So yes, people could have come up with those. But what about the ones dealing with God? There are 4 dealing with God and things pertaining to Him. People resist the idea of legislating Gog. Hence the idea of separation between Church and State. Even Israel, which was a Theocracy (governed by God) failed on this one through out their history. Babylon anyone? Then we have have the last one: don't covet. And before I go further let me say that I disagree with what Mr. L said yesterday in Chapel. Yes, you can want something so much that it will interfere with your relationship with God but it is ok to desire things. When I look at the first 9 C's then the last one I see that something as simple as wanting something can cause me to sin. (ex's from the Bible: David coveted another man's wife and killed that man; Achan coveted the riches of Jericho and took what he was not to take) It's almost as if the C's are listed backwards. That final C deals with our mind. People refuse to have thought legislated. Besides, how do you punish that? How do you know someone is breaking a law when they think Rocky's a twit if thinking someone is a twit is illegal? Humans like their freedom of thought so what human is going to try to govern another persons thoughts?

    Clearly, Someone out of the realm of humanity had to make those laws. Which by the way were made to show Israel that they could not do it on their own and that they needed help. It was almost as if God were setting them up for failure. But not really tho as all humans have failed God's standards if they are aware of it or not. God wanted to show Israel that they could never measure up and that they would need something else. THE 10 COMMANDMENTS ARE NOT GOD'S MINIMUM STANDARD OF HOLINESS!!!! It was to show the need of a Savior!

    I've been thinking all week of what I would sat are the ten most important laws but I really can't think of but one:

    Be kind. If we are kind to all then we will have fewer issues with others. I'm pretty sure it covers everything from speaking Korean, to killing someone to cheating to stealing.

    How many of you thought I was going to answer the Freewill/Predestination one?? Admit it, most of you did. And I still might. (=

  3. Wow..2
    Don't worry:p
    be happy

  4. Q3

    The very first to consider in processing of finding truth is acknowledging the ‘truth’ as completely subjective concept. Truth, what so-called absolute facts, is very subjective due to its impossibility to perceive and different experiences of individuals. Many people have been tried to explain the truth as their own ways and perceptions, However, no one can suggest solid proof for their answers, or isn’t enough evidences to convince many people. This fact also shows that how the term’ truth’ is obscure and -in general meaning-subjective. Futhermore, the truth can be easily manipulated by simple experiences. Weakness of creatures of God is proven when people start to determine the truth by false information (which are usually very simple and deceptive) even though they already had what they called their ‘credence’. Indefinite numbers of false religions and doctrines substantiate this idea.

    Because of this nature of truth, experiences are huge factor determining one’s ‘truth’. In this sense, the idea of different window to approach to truth is considerable concept. It is very true that people combine things they experience to finally conclude their truth. This process is when the idea of various windows comes in. numbers of windows are varying ranging from very small amount to very large due to personal understandings and personal tastes. the numbers of windows are not that important for finding truth. It can be infinite windows for some people and it can be only one window for some. Most important point one can deduct from this idea is that windows here themselves prove the fact that there are many ideas and information which able people to make their own ‘truth’ or can say ‘belief’ and thus corroborate the subjectivism of men.

    In this sense, personally the Grace’s illustration is flawed. Although people were not blinded before touching the body of elephants, the experience itself can be easily manipulated due to their personal perceptions. Because the ‘experience’ itself is incomplete and biased, one can’t observe the real truth. Subsequently, those who heard information from him get the same conclusion. Therefore, I conclude that men can never find out the truth unless God directly or indirectly reveal the truth unto us.

    As a Christian, I have my faith that God and His words are the only truth. This is result of my processing to the truth. It is based on solely on my experiences and faith in God. I don’t care about people’s arguing about the real truth. This seems totally illogical but this is the only thing I can say. Truth itself is not tangible, nor observable unless God allows to see it. I would like to say this one more time- ‘truth is subjective icon’ and mine is Christ. It is absolute truth for believers like me,but not to all.

  5. Some say all human beings receive fate from the birth and live exactly same as it gives to them. However, no one knows that what kinds of fate is given. We live with what we receive naturally. If we surely know our future and think it will really happen anyway, we do not want to work, study, or even exercise, because we are selfish and always seek no pain but gain.

    Sometimes, some people who succeeded write lots of book and tell their story from fail to success. On the other hand, the media broadcast the dead who commit suicide. Personally, as a Christian, I am sure that, because God is our Father and knows us before we are in mother's womb, He does not want to give us horrible destiny whoever we are: Christian or non-Christian. If they who succeed have great fate which is given by God, what about the dead? Do they receive a failed life from God and kill themselves? I would say "No." A reason why they failed and committed suicide was because of their choice. The right of choice is not from others but from them, themselves which is Freewill. However, a main factor of accomplishment of those who achieve their goal is choosing to control themselves and work hard enough to succeed. No one gets success with no effort and patience. They chose to go over the difficult processes for several years and the result was success, a fruit of that hardship. Therefore, Predestination is not as valuable as Freewill.

    Based on this, I believe we do not have a given fate but can make our own wonderful future only from our effort and laboring. God gives us the right of choice and does not force to select what He wants, but make our environment easier to choose a right goal. The result comes out depending on the behavior.

  6. I couldn't understand why I keep forgetting to tell what number did I chooseㅡㅡ...

    I selected #4 :P

  7. So . . . Predestination or Freewill. Which one is more important? Are they working together? Explain your answer.

    Let's go straight forward. I definitely believe the answer is freewill.

    God did not make robuts. He wants us, individual human beings to think and make choice. He did not want bunch creatures who act and think as marionette. I mean....we are all wooden doll and our decisions are made according to each of strings. However, the fact is that God made us as living creatures which is made by the image of God.

    The word 'image of God' means a lot. Among all benefits human beings have, the freewill, the ability to choose what we want, is the fundamental characteristic. And, this quality differentiates human beings from animals.

    We, sometimes, disregard other people by saying," You are such a loser." We think people from Africa are predestined to be poor and desperated. However, Nelson Mandella became the first 'black' president of South Africa ; the first black president in Africa. The effort and capability, supported by the freewill inside us can change the future and present.

    Also, God wants us to receive the love call message from him. He gives the chance of salvation to all human beings. However, it is definite that it is us, individual human beings to accept or reject his grace. I mean, being saved or not is wholely determined by our will and choice. God does not make us being unsaved. Satan, even thouch he tempts people, does not make us unsaved. It is 'us' who make us chirstians or unbelievers.

    To conclude my point, I definitely believe it is freewill(choice) which determines and develops us.

    Therefore, we should not blame God but ourselves.

  8. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    guys... ..serious?;;

  9. Q4

    I think both Predestination and Freewill are important. Because the Bible clearly indicates that both predestination and freewill are in operation.
    First, the Bible shows that God wants everyone to be saved, and that He has not predestined anyone for the state of being in hell. So He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, in the earth to save our soul. We can read in the Bible that God predestined the coming of the Messiah. Jesus remarks that not only His coming but also His death was planned. The Bible said that "Now My heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour?' No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour." (John 12:27) God also predestined some people. For example, God chose Paul for His work and that was not his own choice. "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God" (Ephesians 1:1) And even Judas, as a worker of evil, for fulfilling part of the redemptory purpose of God.
    Second, God tells the people to choose to follow to receive His blessing. Even though the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ died for the sins of all people and wants all people to come to repentance, it doesn't mean to those who resist God's call by their freewill. "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19) In the bible, many verses tell us to choose to follow the Lord and how we are to live. That verses require the free will and give us advices to choose rightly. "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." (Galatians 6:7-8)
    If everything is predestined by God, then there is no choice by human and vice versa. The Bible encourages us to use our freewill to choose good over evil. Therefore, it teaches both concepts of predestination and freewill according to the Bible, and both are significant.

  10. Question 6

    In the subway, a boy whose name is Steve saw a girl. At the first glance, he thought she was very beautiful and therefore attractive also, so he kept looking at her. He observed that she had a long, straight hair, white skin, and long iris, which he considered as the most characteristics that females ought to have.
    The boy, Steve, was being subconsciously rational when he saw her because he did not consider her beautiful by measuring or estimating ratio between her eyes. He just thought that she was beautiful and later found out reason why; therefore, determining beauty is being subconsciously rational and this statement is demonstrated by 2 examples: the old, famous phrase, “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” and the tendency of babies to favor certain types of people.

    First, according to the phrase, “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” every person has different view of looking at one object. Some may consider a woman very attractive but others may not; for instance, Miss Straub could not agree with Miss Stephens because Daniel Craig is totally not charming to my homeroom teacher.
    If a process of determining something beautiful requires being rational, all people, at least majority, should come up with a similar answer because being rational is a process of bringing the only answer which explains best a situation and is understandable to every person; however, since each person has different answer, he is not being rational when he sees something beautiful.

    Moreover, the tendency of babies, who cannot think rationally, expounds my point. Babies think a person with a smiley face is beautiful and therefore naturally attracted to a smiley person because they know this kind of person will more likely to please and satiate their needs by their acquired instinct or nature. Their nature is not intrinsic but comes from their experience stored in their brains in subconscious level. Also, their brains are not mature and developed enough to think rationally. Therefore, seeing beautiful thing is not being rational.

    Despite their significant discovery, ancient Greeks and Romans still could not explain why most people are attracted to and think something is beautiful when it is in “The Golden Ratio”, and even in these days, scientists are experimenting to find out the reason because determining beauty or perfection is being subconsciously rational, just as my examples have demonstrated, and human brain activities, especially those occur in subconscious level, are very complicated and obscure to either observe or examine.

  11. Q.4

    I attended to the church by the enforcements from parents when I was a child, and my faith was no less than a ''born religion'' without a significant belief. Once, I was taken to China and I was very depressed with departing from Korea, and at that point, I began to know about God but had serious question. Bible was written that, God knows everything about every human-kinds' before and future. This was mysterious, because God has said that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. (Luke 15:7) If we interpret this verse, it also means that, God feels happiness and sadness by just one person. Now, the questions is, that if almighty God knows everything, whether one is going to heaven or hell, why is He sending people to earth, those who will end up going to hell at last. I mean, He can just send righteous people who will eventually get to heaven.

    I was longing for God but as soon as this question came up to my mind, I was very confused. But soon, I got to know the answer for it, that God has given us a free-will. Adam and Eve's sinning against God was not a fate but there choice. They knew the penalty and sinned but it was not a plan of God. So, I believe that we individuals have different two kinds of future. By the choice we make, we end up going to heaven or hell.

    As I am a christian, I think that by the gift of opportunity of free-will from God, we can make our own decisions. However, opposite word of free-will, the predestinate, this word could mean God's ''plan'' or ''calling'' in Biblical sense. But, it's absolutely not fixed. This is absurdly true, for as I can, everyone can think and make their own decisions. If, fate really exist, I consider that how bore the life will be. Think about, everything is working mechanically. It's horrible, as if becoming just an one of six-thousand million robots, without its individual characteristics!

    God always wants us to praise and glorify Himself with sincereness and purity. But, because of our sinfulness, we deceive and lie to God that we love Him. I wish the world to realize their fate is depend upon their small decisions and after all, repent.

  12. What teachers told me today during lunch was very interesting. I asked them I just couldn’t figure out why God does not save everyone if He loves us so much. I had this question in my mind for many years, even before I was saved. Miss. Strub’s “invitation” example really helped me to understand God’s purpose. At the same time, I realized that I am responsible for spreading gospel and sharing the truth with others.
    As your question says, I still have this thought that people who know the truth first is in charge of giving out the truth. With the elephant example, if I had seen the elephant before I became blind, I have to tell other three friends, who became blind as well, it is the elephant, not a tree, leather, or anything else. Of course, they can argue and persist stubbornly because we all have different experiences. Rocky and Henry claim that experience is what determines the truth, but my opinion is different.
    The truth is the truth. It is there no matter if we can find it or not. Even though we cannot see it because of our myopic view, we cannot refuse the fact that the truth is alive. We have unchangeable truth, the Bible. When unsaved people have narrow view of finding the truth, we, who opened our eyes and received the Holy Spirit, must lead them to open their eyes. If we do not have desperate desire to share the truth, they will keep fall into the “false truth” deeper and deeper. They might say they do not need to know the real truth since they are fine with their own beliefs, but how sad is that.
    Truth is hard to determine because we cannot see or touch it. However, when Holy Spirit touches you and you finally reached the point of enlightening the truth, it will never leave you.

  13. #6

    I believe that I am purposely rational rather than subconsciously rational. From the example given, I came up with an idea that people are following majority. “The Golden Rectangle” or “The Golden Ratio” is just a formula that is made by Roman or Greek philosophers. As supporters of “great philosophers” built up the propaganda and told others about the beauty of the world, people started to believe that “The Golden Rectangle” or “The Golden Ratio” is a beauty and perfection. Rationally, the formulas should be viewed as a boring mathematical idea, not an aesthetic creation.

    Furthermore, people nowadays are controlled by the mess media regarding not only the beauty, but also the other rational determinations. As TV shows give the images of beauty as a skinny body, big eyes, double eyelid, high noses, and small head, victims set their standards that mess media have provided. In some Africa tribes, fat body is the charming point in their society, which is opposite to our views. This phenomenon expresses the idea that the environment affects our views and determinations.

    In my personal view, subconscious views are built up in our mind by surrounding atmosphere and mess media. We cannot determine a person with just an outer look or decide who is better looking. Some might say that they can fall in love at first glance which is subconsciously rational. However, I have a question that what have given them the standard of the most beautiful look, and able to give their tender passions without even knowing them.

    Under God, we are all same and our inner mind is the most important factor. The only part that is subconsciously rational to me is my feeling towards God. Despite hypnotizing controls of mess media, or the ideas given by surrounding people, God is the One we are destined to follow and His works on the earth are “the beauties” that we realize spiritually.

  14. Question Number4!!!
    Im my personal opinion, although predestination and freewill are working together, predestination is much more important than freewill. First, God has said that universe is under His control. Even if people try to get away from His reign, they can't get away from Him. For example, Jonah had once disobey God's command and went toward to different way. In this situation, Jonah made his own choice to not to obey God. According to freewill theory, we can choose our own decision rather God likes or not. However, God forced Jonah to obey Him.
    For another example, in my porsonal experience, I learned that we have no choice. I once said about my sister's illness. As her illness had gotten worse, our family was more dependant on God. I first blamed God that I felt God is not mercyful. Although He wanted to make our family to be save, it was too hard for our family. Lately, all of my family were blessed and became Christians. We were all predestinated by God's plan. Even if we denied Him and choose not to believe God, He will make us to be His children anyway. I was disappionted to badly that everything we plan or do are basically thoughts from God. I think He planed all the things even before we existed. Some people like Joanna claim that people have freewill to believe God as the creator, but as you live this world, some happenings can not be explained. Those happenings are predestinated. Finally, I concluded that the only thing we can freely do is moving our body, and even this could control by God. We have no choice to make a decision, and we will surely do what He predestinated our life.

  15. #4.

    Both predestination and free will work tremendously important in our lives, but to be specific, free will is more important than predestination. Predestination (or we can say 'fate') is important in some senses, but the thing is that we can change our fate by free will. We choose numerous decisions through our lives. Sometimes we face hard decisions that we cannot even decide by ourselves, so we tend to depend on someone or something. According to the Bible, we definitely can say that through our choices, we can change our destiny. God has given us to have a choice which we can call it as "freedom." He created Adam and Eve and let them to enjoy all things in the garden of Eve except the Fruit on the fig tree. Unfortunately, they chose to disobey God. Their predestination was to live happily with God in the garden of Eve, but because of the choice they made led them to fall in the sinful world.

    We can classify our universal circumstances into three parts: predestination, free will, natural causes. Those are exist in our lives and they all work together. we usually say that God works in our lives, but actually He does not work in our lives all the times. People tend to blame God when horrible things happen in the world. On the other hand, they don't praise God when they have accomplished something respectful, they think it's all their work. We say that everything has a reason. When a terrible disaster happened in a country, some believe that it's God's punishment. Yes, God sometimes gives us hard times to bring back to Him, however, He doesn't let accidents or natural causes to happen for that.
    We cannot be sure what will happen in the future. People are just afraid of their lives so they eager to know what will happen in the future. In Korea, many people tend go to an exorcist to know about the future, and when he says good things about them, they worship him and believe everything what he said. Actually even an exorcist doesn't know what his future would be like but he still he gives a divination to others.

    According to the Bible, predestination is exist in our lives. Psalm 22: 10. I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly. God has planned us from the mother's womb; however, He doesn't plan every single situations, events, or happenings. Psalm 51:5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. We are born as sinners and believers go to the Heaven when they die. Those are the predestination that we can say definitely. Because we are human, we cannot know the Truth; only God knows. Therefore, we should carefully choose everything in any circumstances and pray for protection when we face hard situations then our lives will be much easier than it was to be.

  16. First part of question 2

    In rational approaching I think it is possible that people have made 10 Commandments(I never thought that 10 Commandments were made by people before the teacher asked me).

    As I read through the Commandments, I notice that every Commandments are possible.In fact,they do not require divine power to keep.Rather it does require people to keep basic rules for human society as following: don't steal, don't murder, honor thy parents ,and so on.These rules are very basic for any civilization to preserve.Like Israel, other tribes or nations had these types of commandments.For example, Amorite civilization had the code of laws established by Hammurabi.These Hammurabi's law conveyed similar aspect such as prohibition of murder.

    I think what makes this 10 Commandments controversial whether they have been made by God or human is the 4 commandments related with God.
    Christians can argue that how human who denies
    the existence of God can come up with 4 Commandments dealing with God.However, with rational perspective one can refute the Christians' idea.'God' in 10 Commandments does not have to be the God who Christians worship.He can be imaginary god created by people for their beneficial uses.Or people themselves are gods in 10 Commandments instead of God.For example, in ancient time kings and certain religious group had absolute power over their common people.In order to maintain power, king could divinize himself and wrote laws;also by establishing these laws, religious group might have privileges.

    Furthermore, rest 6 Commandments are quite arguable too.Christians argue that it is not possible for human to create the Commandments,
    who cannot even keep them.But the rules are to be
    broken.These rules are intended to limit people's
    behavior so that society can be in order.Also because people break rules, people can be improved by getting punishment and fixing themselves.Also even though they break the laws, they just can rationalize themselves. Because they have created the laws, rationalizing themselves according to what the hearts say is easy.So breaking laws is not that big deal to people.

    I don't want to make ten commandments because I know that I can never keep them....

  17. I knew many people would(?) choose question 4 that's why I did not do it :p

    Max,your comment is always thoughful;however,
    babies usually like people with smiling face but not always.Babies like their mama.
    One baby in my church always tries to get away from me and cries if I approach to him even though I smile.(What a kid!) And if smiling face is attractive to babies, JOKER is the best friend of them.
