Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Question of God: Part Four

Good job. Keep it up. However, be careful of all the opinions. I am getting a lot of opinions and sometimes very little basis to back them up. Remember to give evidence. Your opinion is great for you, but there is no point in telling anyone about it unless you have some kind of reason. Think through your answers and don't wait till the last minute. Also, DON'T USE BIG WORDS UNLESS YOU ARE SURE OF THEIR MEANING.

1. The video pointed out coming to a belief system by two means. First of all, Lewis came to atheism by emotional means. Secondly, Freud came to atheism intellectually. My question is: do you think there is a possibility for two people to come to the same conclusion by two mutually exclusive means? Or do you find that they both actually came to atheism by the same means, just that Lewis called his conclusion "emotional" and Freud termed it "intellectual"? Give me some conclusions you have come to that have been purely emotional, purely intellectual, or both.

2. Should Christians subject themselves to hypnosis (def: an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion.)? What might be the benefits of hypnosis? What might be the problems? (Some Christians are completely against being induced by hypnosis. Why do you think this is?)

3. Freud relates all desire and will to our sexual drives. He says that the first person we love is our mother and the first person we hate is our father. He goes on to say that these emotions shape us and stay with us for the rest of our lives. Before you start refuting why he is SO wrong and you are SO right, think about where he is coming from. Why would he say this is true about all people? Then give me your answer. This question is for serious thinkers only. Do not use big words unless you know what they mean.

4. Has something traumatic from your childhood caused you to view people in a skewed way today? You don't need to go into detail, just explain your view today. You may also use examples of famous people or an unnamed friend if you don't feel comfortable sharing your own. Do you (or someone you know) have a "black hole" in your (his/her) past?

5. (Dream Analysis) Have you ever had a recurring, prophetic, or traumatic dream? Give details about the dream. Then, using your own reasoning, see if you can figure out if there was any significance to your dream. Does God say anything about our dreams?

6. Think about how Freud viewed religion. He included Greek Mythology in with Paganism and even Christianity. He said that because of our disgust of our physical fathers not being the men we expect them to be, we project all our desires for this ultimate protecting strength on an "eternal being" we call "The Exalted Heavenly Father" which is where we all get this idea of religion. First of all (and do NOT skip this part), I want you to argue from a human perspective as to why this makes sense. Secondly (do NOT just give me this part), tell me why that perspective is flawed from a Christian perspective. Take this question seriously and don't just give me a bunch of opinions and why you think Freud was so wrong. This question is for serious thinkers only. Also, refrain from using big words unless you are sure you know what they mean.


  1. I don't dream usually...
    And even if I have a dream, I don't remember it...

  2. Q5

    Personally, I don’t dream a lot. However, there was one dream which occurred several times in my childhood. It was not only made me scary but also very unpleasant for a young boy.

    The dream was divided into 2 scenes. At the first scene, I am with my whole family at the high hill, living peacefully and happily. We are gathering at the table for dinner and have some great times talking to each others with smiley faces. However, with the sign of second scene, which is screaming sound with flash, our happy conversations end. After the flash, the picture I see is totally different from what I saw from the first. The high hill which my house located is starting to fall down so as my house with the fall. The sky becomes reddish. My family members, one by one, start to fall down with the hill with scary screaming. Not only this, but great fiery rocks start to come down from the sky, destroying my surroundings with great sound.

    I had dreamed this dream repeatedly in my childhood. Usually, I woke up before the fiery stones falling down or after. The feeling after this dream was very unpleasant and scary. But I couldn’t tell this dream to my family because I misunderstood true meaning of phrase ‘dream comes true’. I thought if I tell the dream, it might come as true story. Anyway, this is my dream I used to dream when I was young and it happened so frequently that I can remember clearly even after I have grown up.

    Honestly, I don’t know whether dream is related to the real life. Hopefully, my dream won’t happen in my life. The relationship between dream and real life is so obscure for me. sometimes it seems they are related but sometimes I don’t feel at that way. But, there is one absolute fact: God sometimes uses dream to reveal His plan or purpose. Good example to illustrate this fact is Daniel. Daniel is probably one of the men who frequently received the message from God through dream. God allowed Daniel to see many things through his dream. In fact, Daniel could interpret not only his but also others. Instance of interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar confirms his ability. However, the most famous dream he had was probably about 4 beasts mentioned at Daniel 7. Daniel so 4 kinds of beasts in his dream and each of them reveal things that God would accomplish. Historically, it was accurate and it is progressive today.

    In the sense that God uses dream as revelation, dream seems necessary. At the same time, it can be very dangerous when it is mislead by false religious leaders and deceivers. We should discern things solely by the standard of God-Bible-, not other false information.

  3. Question number5.

    When I do dreamed, I was sick most of the time. In about a month ago, I dreamed such a horrible dream. I was at some place, which was filled with smoke. I was calling someone I think it was my sister. As I walked though the smoke, I saw a house covered with ivies. I knocked the door then an old man with the white hair came to the door and opended it for me. He looked very tired and scared by something. I asked him to find my sister. I felt something was wrong and I started to run to the door I just came though. However it was locked. I screamed my sister's name and she answered me back. I tried to run to her but the old man held me so strongly that I could not even make a step to her. In a few seconds after my sister dragged by one guy then he stabbed her with the longest blade I have never seen it before. I filled with rage but I could not do anything but to watch her die infront of me. Suddenly I heard my alarm bell then I realized it was all dreamed.
    I think the before I dreamed, I talked with my sister. She asked me to resque her if she fall into dangerous situation. I obviouly said yes to her. I started to make a if, but really can I help her in any situation?. I was not sure because I am not a strong charater and I remembered when I was young I could not do anything when my sister was in illness. In my personal opinion, when you dreamed something that's not God's prophecy or any prevision of something. Dream is when you mentally streesed about some issue so that you think about it all the time. By the time you get to sleep, even though you think you are not streesed of something your brain keep the memory of that situation. So inconclusion, dream is the imaginary solution or remake of the situation that you keep thinking about.

  4. Q.5 (I did not forget this time:D)

    I really do dream everyday. However, even though I dream a lot, I can not remember most of them. I know I dreamed but I forget right after I wook up.A dream that I can remember clearly is about murdering. I was fifteen years old. My friends and I watched a Japan movie which has plot about killing or dying. In the movie, students need to kill others who they met on their school trip not to die. It is a survival game. The students are forced to wear bracelets by teachers. If they do not kill others, they die because of the bracelet which has a bomb in it. On that day, right before I fell asleep, the movie suddenly hit on my head, but I did not care about it much. At the night, interestingly, I dreamed about my friends who tried to kill me due to school's order to get grade. Because good grade equals success for Korean students, they must get a point. They searched every class. I was too afraid to even breathe. It shocked me after I woke up, because I felt it can happen really.

    After I dreamed, I thought, even though my friends and I are really close, it is safe not to believe totally. Although it is just dream, not reality, it affected my life. Therefore, personally, I certainly say that dream not only tells but also teaches us something.
    Before I dream it, I believe people who I met without any doubt, so it sometimes hurted me.
    However, from that dream, I learned how to live alone safely. The dream had lesson.

    According to the book of Genesis 37 in the Bible, Joseph, a faithful son of God, dreamed and told about it to his brothers. He said "I had another dream, in which I saw the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowing down to me." Wonderfully, it really happened. God has ability to control everything even unconsciousness and dream. The dream that Joseph had was also from God. I surely believe that God tought Joseph by dreaming. Another example is in the book of Acts. Acts 2:17 says "saying to one another, See, Here comes this dreamer." God allows us to dream. He uses dream to teach as well as warn us.

  5. 5&2(little bit)

    Let's go straight forward.

    Human's unconscious is highly unexplainable. There are so many things that we do not understand of our mind. The 'unconscious' is composed 90% of human mind. In another word, 'conscious' ,which is very familiar to us, is only 10% of our mind.

    And this unconscious mesmerizes Freud's attention. Unconscious, to be specific, is our twisted desire. All living creatures desire, and we human beings desire most. We desire for fame, food, intelligence and wealth. However, in most of case, we can not fulfill our desire wholely. This unsatisfied desire becomes discontentment and is sunk under the conscious. And, this accumulated desire becomes unconscious in our mind(even young baby has unconscious).

    While we are awake, we are controlled by 'conscious'. We act and think by our own will. However, when we sleep, the unconscious controlls us. As I said, the unconscious is our desire. Of course, having no conscious but only unconscious(desire) does not mean we will act like an animal. Instead, our deepest desire penetrates and appears in our dream. Simply put, dream tells us what do we desire most and what do we pressure most.

    That's why hypnosis is good studying. It shows us what do we desire most. Stoicism is not always best solution. Sometiems, we should be mindful of epicureanism. I mean, there should be balance between stoicism(holding desire) and epicureanism(fulfilling desire).

    Human beings are born to be sinful. We love violence, sex and sin. If we hold our desire always, we very likely become crazy. For example, Gandhi, who is reverned as peaceful protester, was actually man of two faces. He, on outside, said, "No violence but peace." However, he abused his family. For my personal analysis, the desire to be violent, which Gandhi oppressed most, piled up in his unconscious and was shown to his family as abusement. Well, if Gandhi oppressed his desire less, he wouldn't be reverned as a hero. But, I am sure that he would have lived more comfortable life. I really wish to introduce him dream-studying if I were his contemporary.

    Everything in this world spoils. Even our mind and desire, which we can not touch, are also spoiled. And, spoiled mind in us becomes poison if we do not fulfill and satisfy it. Therefore, my answer is simple. Not necessarily hypnosis, but we need the dream-study in order to know ourselves. To tell the truth, I realize what I desire and oppress most through dream-anaylsis, similar to that of Freud.

  6. This is my report on my past. Well… actually, this is the story of my first friend I got in America.

    The first day of my 7th grade school, I was lonely. The second day of school, I was still lonely. The third day of school, I knew I would be lonely. First few weeks in America were terrible. I could not understand a single sentence from all the teachers. I even felt sick when I came back to home after hearing crazy “R sound” language all day. I resented my parents who made me go to America. However, after few weeks, I found a blond girl who was just as quiet as me sitting back in the corner of English class. I was wondering why she was so quiet. I thought she was from Russia or somewhere else and could not speak English no better than I did until our first presentation day in English class. I was so shocked. “Why didn’t she speak anything and didn’t get around with others if she could actually have CONVERSATION with them?” During lunch that day, I approached to her and started to talk to her with my “doesn’t make any sense English.” From that day, somehow we got really close and as my English gets better we could have deeper conversation. She helped me a lot in learning new language. Since I could speak better, I started to have some friends; however, she still did not have any. I just simply thought that she was soooooo shy.

    I spent hot summer in Korea, went back to America, and we became 8th graders. We were still “best friends.” Right before the Christmas break, I could hear one shocking story of her. She told me her parents had divorced when she was only nine and she had to watch them fighting. Her father almost threatened her mother until death, so he got into the jail. First time I heard that story, I thought she was lying just for an excuse of her shyness. As she was talking, she was shaking and crying. She still seemed afraid of remembering that moment. There was no word I could use for consolation. I cried with her and understood why she was so cowered since the first day of school. Also, she told me that she did not have any consciousness during their fighting that she could not remember exactly what her father did to her mother. After she was aware of the reality, she was with her mom noticing that her father was gone.

    For the happy ending, let me say this. Her mother became Christian after her divorce and she sent my friend to the Christian middle school. My friend accepted Jesus as Savior even before me. I haven’t talked to her for long time since I came back to Korea, but through her bad past story, I learned that God is working in our lives somehow to make us as His children.

  7. I hate crazy “R sound”.
    I painfully ABOMINATE letter R as much as
    Max abominates CUCUMBER.

  8. Q2

    Personally, I don't believe hypnosis.
    Some people might say hypnosis help sickness heal faster, quit smoking, also can treat headaches, ease physical pains, and improve study habits. They believe it can help people take control of their problem and fear by addressing these emotions through the subconscious mind. The process relaxes the negative feelings away while replacing them with productive suggestions that open their mind to creative thinking.
    But how hypnosis help people relax as them drift into a mental state of consciousness and sleep? Of course, hypnosis' positive suggestions can bring positive mind, but it doesn't mean it changes the reality. And if hypnotized people don't know what is happening around them, how can they feel relax after they come out of hypnosis?

    Christians are against being induced by hypnosis. I think that's because Christians believe that hypnosis is against the Bible.
    First, the fruit of the Spirit is self-control. The Bible says "But the fruit of the Spirit is...self-control. Against such there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23) As Christians follow the Spirit’s lead, God will give us the power to better control our own selves. Hypnosis involves the transfer of control away from ourselves to another person.
    Secondly, hypnotism is promoted as a simple way of refocusing ourselves and finding the answer within us. As believers in Christ, our focus is to be on our Savior, not on ourselves or anything else. We know that the answers do not lie within us. The solution we need is found in Christ. " me nothing good dwells...for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free..." (Romans 7:18, 8:2)
    Next, hypnosis leads to an altered state of consciousness the mind is very sensitive to outside suggestion. That sensitivity is what the hypnotist needs in order to modify the behavior of the people. Satan wants to do some modifying like hypnotist does modify peoples' behavior. Christians should be wary of giving them any opportunity to make their suggestions.
    Last, Christians also have troubles like sickness, pain, difficulties, and stressful circumstances. But Christians have the promise of the continual help of God who dwells in us. We should not be looking into ourselves for the help of our needs, nor looking to another to bring any unreal or unnatural state to overcome problems. It may take faith and patience, but God gives us deliverance that we need. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19)
    Christians should carefully research and inspect the known facts regarding hypnosis before submitting to it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Question #5.
    Because I dream a lot,I call myself “a dreamer,” and to be honest, I do really enjoy dreaming. I usually have happy dreams and not many of sad or horrible dreams.
    I easily forget about my dreams, so I try encourage myself to remember dreams that were pleasant and sometimes I write down my dreams on my diary.

    Many elders in Korea say that many children dream about falling over a precipice or chasing by someone. And many people say that when they were young, they, at least once, had a dream about falling over a precipice or chasing by someone. I tried not to believe that an unproven statement, however, now I do believe it. When I was around six-year-old, I had to sleep by myself in my own room. But at that time, I was scared of darkness and ghost stories that my brother told,’ night time was the worst time of a day. Since my winsome actions did not work to my parents, I decided to sleep by myself. One day, I had a really weird dream which recurred several times through my life. The first scene of the dream was white, just like a white sketch book. The area, matters, and even my clothes were white. While I looked around the bizarre town, enormous circular, rectangular, and triangular blocks smashed all things down. I couldn’t make a clear line that whether because I was so little that blocks looked so huge or the blocks itself were so big that I felt so small. I worried about that I might be smashed by them, so ran away from them. However, they recognized my movement and followed me as possible as they could. As they moved, the ground quaked. We all just ran and ran and ran. The funny thing was that I wasn’t tired even though I continually ran from those blocks. I finally reached the highest place of the town, but I could not go any further because the place I stood was a cliff. I had only few seconds to think whether I should jump down from the precipice or smash by those blocks. I took a deep breath and decided to hop down to the ground. At the moment I jump down, my body, in the reality, cracked and woke up. After I woke up from the terrible dream, I ran into my parents’ room and cried. The dream was too tough to the six years old child to overcome. Even now I cannot erase the feeling of pressure and horror that I felt in that dream. When I think about the situation of the dream, I find myself so weak and powerless.
    I think God does say something to us through dreams. God Sometimes says something to us through our prayers by answering them, and sometimes we can feel what He is trying to tell us through our hearts, and sometimes He says something to us by showing things through our dreams. He teaches us and warns us; however, He does not say something to us through dreams all the times. There is a certain time when He says something to us. If our spiritual minds are clean and well-developed by Bible reading, we can easily catch what God is trying to tell us the Truth. However, if our spirits became depraved and blunt, we cannot find out the Truth quickly. Then God works in our unconscious mind(in our dreams.) Therefore, in order to communicate with God easily, we need to be ready and prepared all times by praying and reading Bible.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Question 2

    I think it’s ok for Christians to subject themselves to hypnosis because God has allowed man to use it; according my chemistry teacher, Mr. Harmon, God is never going to reveal things that He does not want man to know no matter how hard he tries to know them. Of course, I did not mean that a person has to subject to it like he is commanded to obey the Ten Commandments but like he has a choice to drink alcohol or not. Alcohol itself is not sin but it can still be a cause of a lot of sins. The real problem is people who make choices. Depending on choices that people made, hypnosis can be either beneficial or harmful to them.

    Hypnosis is used in medical field because of its ability to make patients susceptible to suggestion. For example, psychiatrists can bring their patient memories back from patients’ unconsciousness through hypnosis to treat the patients’ mental illness, which may have caused by their terrible memories, from the past, that have been cut off.
    Moreover, hypnosis helps heavy smokers and alcoholics to control and lessen their obsession. Also, in some cases, hypnosis helps people to heal their broken bones and serious injuries very quickly.

    However, some Christians completely object to the hypnosis because they know how effective it is and, therefore believe that it can take a place of God in some other less faithful Christians. In other words, the less faithful people will rather go to see a doctor to get help to break their ungodly habits, such as heavy smoking and drinking alcohol, instead of praying to God in the first place. Thus, hypnosis has possibility to overthrow people’s faith and hinder their Christian living progress before God’s eyes.

    I think some Christians who completely oppose to hypnosis are wrong because they seem to shift blame on it, whereas all humans, including the Christians are the real cause of all the problems. It is really the matter of choice made by each individual that determines hypnosis as whether a beneficial or harmful tool.

  13. Question 1

    I think it is possible that two people can arrive
    at the same conclusion by two opposite means. To avoid hackneyed and wordy introduction, I want to give my two supporting examples right away:

    In the case of the shepherds(Luke 2) and the wise men from the east(Matthew 2),I can see a possibility to come to the same conclusion.
    The wisemen from the east who were erudite and intelligent came to Jerusalem because they intellectually knew by studying the writing of the prophet that King of Jews,Jesus Christ,would be born in Bethlehem.They followed the star,an indication of Christ's birth to the wisemen.
    Finally they met baby Christ and worshipped Him. But the shepherds who were uneducated and ignoble emotionally believed that the Savior was born when they saw the angel declaring and praising about the Christ's birth.They had no idea when and where would Christ be born.And they could just thought they were drunken when they saw the angel.But with curiosity and amazement they went to Bethlehem and worshipped Christ. They came to the same conclusion(knowledge of His birth and worship of Christ) by two exclusive ways(intelligent and emotional ways).

    In addition to that, I find one example from ordinary life. I know one pastor. He was born in un-Christian family. Before he met Jesus Christ,
    he had done what unbelievers like to do: drinking, smoking, immoral life style, and so on. One day, he was saved when he heard one preacher saying Jesus Christ died for his sin. With great confession, he believed Christ and gave his life to Him. Opposite to the father, his son attended church even before he was born. And he heard and learned the Bible; he was raised from Christian family and became Christian. Now, both the pastor and his son became Christians;however,their means to become believers were different: without much knowledge of Christianity the pastor emotionally believed Jesus and his death for his sin whereas through the sermon and teaching of the doctrine based on Christianity, the son believed Christ and the gospel by intellectual means.

    So,two exclusive means can lead people to the same conclusion although people's life or position is different.

  14. I usually get along well with mother’s and father’s family. However, I have a single detesting feeling toward two of the family members, my grandparents on father’s side.

    I was a weak and easily affected kid when I was young. I got along with most of cousins and other siblings, yet I was easily hurt by their jokes and mistreatments. One day, my father’s grandparents came over to my house and stayed for a week. Before, we went down to meet grandparents only on Thanksgivings and The New Years. I did not have many chances to face grandparents because there were too many siblings. However, I had a chance to get along with my grandparents when they came to stay at my house.

    The beginning was good. However, the disaster came shortly. Both my grandmother and my grandfather were alcoholics. As soon as they drank alcohol, they became violent. When they fight after drinking many bottles of soju, shoes were flying all over the place, and their ordinary conversation started with shouting or swearing. As a young and easily affected child, I was confused as benevolent grandparents turned into violent beasts. My grandparents stayed in my house for a week. At the end of the week, I was scared when I saw an empty bottle of soju.

    From that, I started to abhor people who are alcoholic. Even though I am not affected as much as a young child, I still fear and abominate people who drink excessively and periodically. A bed memory in my childhood caused me to view people in a skewed way.

  15. WoW It seems that you guys remember dreams.WoW
    I forget as soon as I open my eyes. XD
    However,I am a dreamer even though I don't dream
    while sleeping.

  16. i dream the utopia SCS.

  17. Q.1

    Lewis came to atheism by his emotion and Freud followed intellectual science that reasoned in to atheism. They both believed in atheism, but after all, Lewis realized the truth and repented greatly, but the other, Freud has gone so far, who so called to be one of major person who has influence in atheism.

    I can slightly understand Lewis' hard childhood after I considered his situation deeply. Even I would have fallen into dispair, losing one of my most loving person, mother, that will confuse me and disrupt my Biblical standard. His emotional hatred toward God is very common in human-kind. Also, he was a child with no specific belief that God exist. He would have been trusting God, just with that his family is serving God. Although he thought there is no God because God has not answered his desperate prayer, God has tested him and raised him high after all.

    On the other hand, Freud was raised in Jews. In fact, he was Jew but raised mostly by a Catholic. He was very calculative with what he is learning. He used to compare the difference between old and new faith knowledges. When he realized Jew and Catholic are teaching slight differently, he began to doubting about what has been proved truly. So, he started to find, visible facts, the scientific things, which led him to swamp that is very hard to get out, for it seems true in human view. (I'm not saying scientific things are false, but religion cannot be measured or stated by science, for God has created science and science can never take over Him. [Ex. God made human, but instead trying to serve God, we refused to glorify Him but made ourselves as a god and set up idols.])

    My idea is this, Lewis could have repented because he came to atheism just by emotion. Human is very dull-creature that most of them are affected greatly by emotions. When he was young, I think his hatred emotion blurred clearness of his mind. After his hatred was assuaged, he could have received the truth. But, on the other hand, Freud was led into atheism and fixed his mind on it, because... he viewed everything and measured with using scientific method. It seems very ironic that when people are trapped in science, they try to look through, think, and conclude by those scientific method, which is very limited.

    I want to reveal that, though these two religious giants once eagerly tried to find the truth, but they ended up oppositely. I boldly think, their goals and characteristic is affective too. Lewis' attitude was generous and open-minded as we can see ,when he was a child, but Freud only focused on his experience, knowledges, and thoughts. This is the point. Lewis was open-minded, but Freud was very calculative which would have possessed stubborn and strict characteristic. Stubborn, closed-mind is one of most hard case to make people repent, because they have their own philosophies and it is fixed. Suggesting them to repent means to dump out their pride, deny his every knowledges that he found and came up to.

    To accept faith, one needs to open their heart and believe it, for no one can reason that God is true and He is truly existing God. We can say that belief is depend upon less than a minute, choosing to believe or not.

  18. oh.. I didn't noticed that I wrote this long..;;

  19. Question 1

    The origin of "God concept", one of the most controversial issues in modern history, has been argued intensely without one definite answer. Many intelligent and erudite Christians and atheists such as C.S. Lewis and Freud (respectively) has tried to convince each other by their own explanations and experiences of God.

    Before I explain my concept, I want to uphold the Freud's concept of God, which says that human creates God,Superman, in order to explain the horrible things of his life. Throughout the history of mankind, human suffers for hardships and difficulties that he can not overcome by himself. As time passes, human himself realizes that he needs "God" for order and explanation. For example, Jews have been waiting for their Messiah to come and save them (they don't acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Savior). Their history is filled with the "horrible things" such as the Bondage in Egypt, the Babylonian Captivity, the Roman Conquest, and the Holocaust. They cried and still cry for "Superman" to release them from such sufferings. Without creating God and waiting for Messiah, they may not understand such horrible things.

    From Christian perspective, I come up with the concept that human's conscience proves there is a God. Human feels guilty when he does something wrong. This "gift" of God keeps him from doing sins. If there is no God who he fears from the bottom of his heart, why does he feel guilty? He still feels guilty after he did something sinful even if he is not caught by others. Some people may argue that because human is taught to be good by their parents and schools, he feels guilty. However, human still feels guilty even if he is not educated. It is not a matter of education. Human inherently has not only sinful nature but also good conscience. Certainly from God, human has received conscience which proves God's existence.

    With atheist perspective, I think human just needs "Higher Being" to depend upon whenever he faces hardships in life; he just calls God for help. Or simply God can be one expression to ease human's shock. For example, one video clip about the incident of the Twin Towers captured some atheists who shouted "Oh my God" hundred times while they were watching the Twin Towers collapsing. Now, who is God who they call their
    God?Everyone knows that atheists deny even the existence of God. Although the phrase is a common expression among Americans, it shows how deeply the concept of deity affects people's mind set. This simple video clip gave me an idea that even atheists need some kind of "divine form" to ease their shock.

    Even though people have different ways to approach the origin of God, the answer is that human needs "God" or just "Superman" whether
    his concept is real or not.
